
Here you will find essential information about the secunet stock, including details on shareholder structure and analyst assessments.

Basic information

The secunet stock has been traded on various German stock exchanges and the electronic platform XETRA since 1999. The secunet stock is listed on the Prime Standard of the Deutsche Börse, meeting the associated high international transparency requirements.

727650 / DE0007276503
Share capital
6,500,000 euros
Number of outstanding shares
Class of share
Ordinary bearer shares with no par value
Start of listing
9 November 1999
Stock exchange segment
Prime Standard Frankfurt Stock Exchange
Designated Sponsor
ODDO BHF Corporates & Markets AG, Frankfurt/Main
Paying Agent
Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/Main

Shareholder structure

Since the year 2004, Giesecke+Devrient GmbH, based in Munich, has held a direct stake in secunet AG. The current ownership interest stands at 75.12%. Additionally, secunet AG holds 0.47% of its own shares, equivalent to 30,498 shares. The remaining shares, representing 24.41%, are in free float.

Giesecke+Devrient GmbH, Munich
Treasury shares
Free float


secunet pursues a policy of continuous and appropriate dividend payments. The aim is to distribute 50% of the earnings after tax attributable to the shareholders of secunet Security Networks AG.

Financial yearDividend per share (in euros)Total dividend payment (in million euros)Net profit under the German Commercial Code (HGB, in million euros)Payout ratio
20215.38 (thereof 2.01 special dividend)34.843.580%
20182.04 (thereof 0.91 special dividend)13.214.790%

Equity Research

This overview is updated on a regular basis. However, secunet AG does not provide any guarantee or liability for the completeness or accuracy of the provided information. The presented ratings solely reflect the opinions of the mentioned financial institutions or analysts. secunet AG does not assume responsibility for these ratings and cannot be held liable or warrant their accuracy. Interested parties are advised to obtain research reports directly from the respective analysts or their corresponding employers. secunet AG does not provide its own research reports.

InstitutionLocationAnalystRecommendationTarget price in eurosLast update
mwb researchHamburgAlexander ZienkowiczBuy18528 January 2024
Dr. Kalliwoda ResearchFrankfurt am MainDr. Norbert KalliwodaBuy25815 November 2024
Hauck AufhäuserHamburgFinn KemperBuy12328 January 2025
Warburg ResearchHamburgHannes MüllerBuy21930 January 2025

Voting Rights Announcement

Those who reach, exceed, or fall below 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50%, or 75% of the voting rights in a domestic issuer through acquisition, disposal, or in any other way are required to notify this according to § 33 para. 1 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act) to the issuer and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). The notification must be made promptly, no later than within four trading days.

We kindly ask shareholders who are obligated to notify secunet Security Networks AG of changes in voting rights to address their notification to the following address:

secunet Security Networks AG
Investor Relations
45138 Essen

secunet Security Networks AG is obliged under § 40 para. 1 WpHG (German Securities Trading Act) to publish the notifications of voting rights that have been received by them according to § 33 WpHG. This is carried out through the EQS Group AG.

Below, we provide the most current notifications of all investors who have reported threshold crossings to us according to § 33 WpHG. You can find the details in the respective notifications.

8 February 2024 - Celia von Mitschke-Collande, Marian von Mitschke-Collande, Sylvius von Mitschke-Collande, Gabriel von Mitschke-Collande (only available in German)