Germany's leading Cybersecurity company

Our mission statement is: Protecting Digital Infrastructures
With over 1,000 experts, we ensure resilient digital infrastructures and the highest possible protection for data, applications and identities. We stand for digital sovereignty and are specialists in all those areas with special security requirements - such as cloud, IIoT, eGovernment, biometrics and eHealth.

genuine · cooperative · inquiring · open‑minded · proficient

Our 1,000+ “secunauts” are wholly committed to their work, open to change and always ready to take on new challenges. We all play our part in the success of secunet, and we are all committed to these communally defined values: they form the basis of our highly productive teamwork and show who we are.

genuine / obliging / dependable

We are honest in our dealings with each other and with our clients, and we take responsibility together. We can always rely on each other.

cooperative / courteous / helpful

We work with and on behalf of other people, driven by a shared mission. We help and encourage each other – for our own benefit and for that of our clients and society in general.

open / transparent / respectful

From board level to trainee, we talk openly about mistakes and ask questions. Because that’s how we learn from each other and further our development.

proficient / client-oriented / quality-conscious

We maintain strong relationships with our clients and achieve high-quality results on their behalf. We are able to achieve this by virtue of our experience, collaborative strengths and empathy for the needs of others.

inquisitive / dedicated / innovative

Our desire for knowledge is one of our most important resources. We create the space in which to foster it. We try out new things and follow them through with passion to their logical conclusion.

How we live our values

secunet takes responsibility – for customers, for employees and for society. This is why we realize our Social Days once a year and get actively involved in children's and youth activities around our sites.

secunet in a nutshell

secunet Security Networks AG comprises the divisions eHealth, Homeland Security, Industry, Public Authorities and Defense & Space. Our customers include federal ministries, more than 20 DAX-listed corporations, and many international authorities and organizations such as the EU Commission. We are IT security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany and partner of the Alliance for Cyber Security.

secunet was founded in 1997, is listed on the stock exchange and generated sales of around 345 million euros in 2022. Our main shareholder is Giesecke & Devrient GmbH.

Our locations in Germany


secunet Security Networks AG
Kurfürstenstraße 58
45138 Essen

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secunet Security Networks AG
Alt Moabit 96
10559 Berlin

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SysEleven GmbH
Boxhagener Str. 80
10245 Berlin

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secunet Security Networks AG
Dreizehnmorgenweg 6
53175 Bonn

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secunet Security Networks AG
Ammonstraße 74
01067 Dresden

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secunet Security Networks AG
Mergenthalerallee 77
65760 Eschborn

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secunet Security Networks AG
Osterbekstraße 90 b
22083 Hamburg

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secunet Security Networks AG
Werner-von-Siemens-Straße 6
98693 Ilmenau

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secunet Security Networks AG
Konrad-Zuse-Platz 2-12
81829 München

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secunet Security Networks AG
Hauptstraße 35
33178 Borchen

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secunet Security Networks AG
Weidenauer Straße 223-225
57076 Siegen

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secunet Security Networks AG
Neue Brücke 3
70173 Stuttgart

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secunet / stashcat

secunet Security Networks AG
Schiffgraben 47
30175 Hannover

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Axel Deininger
Axel Deininger
Chairman of the Board / Chief Executive Officer

Axel Deininger has been on the Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG since January 2018 and took over as Chairman in June 2019.

Previously, Axel Deininger was Group Senior VP and Head of Division Connectivity & Devices at G+D Mobile Security GmbH. Axel Deininger's career has included positions at Siemens AG, Infineon Technologies AG and Samsung Semiconductor Europe GmbH. Most recently, Deininger held various positions at the Munich-based Giesecke+Devrient Group for more than ten years.

Torsten Henn
Torsten Henn
Member of the Board / Chief Operating Officer

Torsten Henn started at secunet GmbH back in 1997 as a consultant and project manager and took on various management positions within the company. In the course of secunet's realignment, Torsten Henn joined the extended Management Board as Chief Operating Officer (COO) in 2015 and has been a member of the Management Board since June 2019.

Torsten Henn studied Computer Engineering in Siegen and worked for Telekom before joining secunet. He then worked for RWTÜV Anlagentechnik and TÜV Informationstechnik. Since 1994, Torsten Henn has been working exclusively on the subject of IT security.

Dr. Kai Martius
Dr. Kai Martius
Member of the Board / Chief Technology Officer

Dr. Kai Martius headed secunet's High Security / Public Sector business unit from 2007 to 2015. Before that, he had already been responsible for various topics in consulting and product development since 1999, the year he received his doctorate in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Dresden. Since 2015, Dr. Kai Martius has been a member of secunet's extended management board as CTO. In June 2019, he was appointed to the Management Board.

Dr. Martius was one of the architects of SINA and also has extensive experience in the design, implementation and deployment of security products in the public sector.

Jessica Nospers
Member of the Board / Chief Financial Officer

Jessica Nospers was appointed to the Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in June 2024.

She studied business administration at Saarland University, Germany. She began her professional career in 2004 at Deloitte in the Transaction Advisory Services division. During her almost 10 years there, she gained extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of M&A and auditing. In this time, she successfully passed the auditor exam and the CFA charterholder exam. Before joining secunet, Nospers was Group Director Finance at Hengst SE and Group CFO at fernao group GmbH.

The Supervisory Board of secunet Security Networks AG is comprised of six members. Four members are elected by the shareholders and two members by the employees in accordance with the One-Third Participation Act pertaining to employees on the Supervisory Board (Drittelbeteiligungsgesetz).

Dr Ralf Wintergerst

Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of Giesecke+Devrient GmbH, Munich/Germany

Jan Thyen

Member of the Management Board and CFO of Giesecke+Devrient GmbH, Munich/Germany

Professor Dr Günter Schäfer

University Professor, University of Technology Ilmenau/Germany

Dr Peter Zattler

Former member of the Management Board (CFO) of Giesecke+Devrient GmbH, Munich/Germany

Integrity, shared values, the reputation and trust of customers and business partners are always at the core of secunet's activities. An effective and transparent compliance organisation and uniform, clear principles and values determine our actions and form the basis for a secunet-wide understanding of compliance.

"Rules and values are like a compass that helps us stay on course. Those who respect shared values and guidelines can build on their success in a targeted and sustainable way.

Our dealings with employees, suppliers, business partners and shareholders are characterized by integrity, a sense of responsibility and trust. Absolute compliance with all applicable rules and laws is the benchmark for our actions. Compliance is a top priority for secunet.

secunet operates a compliance management system in accordance with the IDW PS 980 standard, including a compliance training program and a whistleblower system for the confidential reporting of violations of existing rules and laws.

The secunet Code of Conduct serves as a binding guideline for our daily actions. Each individual is responsible for living and implementing our self-image every day and everywhere.

We expect our employees, suppliers and business partners to act responsibly, with integrity and ethically in accordance with legal regulations. Violations of the law will not be tolerated and will be sanctioned accordingly."

The Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG, September 2022

The management's clear commitment to integrity gives rise to various measures. These are, firstly, training and counselling. secunet employees are regularly trained and sensitised to compliance issues. Participation in the training courses, which have taken place via online training since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, is mandatory for all employees every two years.

The Compliance Office is available to answer any additional compliance questions. Secondly, guidelines define how conflicts of interest and corruption are to be handled. In the course of compliance training, attention is also drawn to compliance with the relevant guidelines and requirements by secunet's business partners.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Employees of the secunet Group

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Business Partners

Whistleblowing portal

The whistleblowing portal (BKMS® Incident Reporting) is at the disposal of employees of the secunet group or third parties to seek advice or draw attention to significant violations of the code of conduct – in particular illegal business practices.

LkSG Grundsatzerklärung

secunet Group policy statement on human rights and environmental due diligence in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

Living quality, acting sustainably

Our thinking and approach has always been driven by quality. Not just in our products, but in all our processes and services. That is why we have voluntarily committed ourselves to shaping quality formally, actively, comprehensively and continuously. We have the results of these efforts regularly audited by independent auditors. Our quality management system is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.

These points are particularly important to us:

Customer Satisfaction

A partnership-based relationship and a consistent focus on the requirements and needs of our customers is the basis of all our thinking, doing and acting. Long-standing business relationships reflect the satisfaction of our customers - we have been supporting numerous authorities and companies in IT security matters for over 20 years.

Quality Management

We constantly adapt our quality management to changing conditions. We derive specific targets for our processes from the company's objectives. This encourages and motivates our executives and all employees to take responsibility for achieving our goals and to identify with the company's core values and understanding of quality.

Continuous improvement

Questioning the status quo, making the good even better: We are never satisfied with what we have achieved and systematically implement improvements. In this way, we continuously increase the quality and competitiveness of our products and services and anticipate future needs today.

Stakeholder Policy

We are committed to taking appropriate account of the requirements of internal and external stakeholders. We comply with official and legal requirements at all times.

Certificate from TÜV NORD

Confirmation of our DIN EN ISO 9001 certification

Consistent environmental protection without ifs and buts

We consider climate-neutral business operations to be one of the primary goals of all sustainable business activities. We protect and preserve our environment by ensuring the efficient use of energy and resources throughout our entire value chain. We strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum and prefer renewable energy sources to fossil fuels. 

We only pollute water, soil and air to the extent that is absolutely necessary and justifiable after exercising reasonable care and common sense. This includes avoiding waste and handling chemicals responsibly. We fulfill all binding obligations, including applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

To continuously improve our environmental protection efforts, we apply an environmental management system that meets international standards.

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