Gesa-Maria Rustemeyer, LL.M.

  • Member of the Supervisory Board since May 2019
  • Representative of the employees


  • Audit committee

Memberships in other statutory supervisory boards

  • No other memberships

Memberships in comparable domestic and foreign supervisory bodies of commercial enterprises

  • No other memberships

Curriculum vitae

Gesa-Maria Rustemeyer is a qualified lawyer and has been employed by secunet Security Networks AG since 2007. Prior to this, she studied law at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt/Oder and the Humboldt University in Berlin and passed both her first and second state examinations in Berlin.

Rustemeyer then began working in the legal department at secunet's Berlin office. She completed a Master's degree in Information Law at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg while working. From the very beginning, she helped to shape the increasing demands on the legal department in a growing company and finally took over the head of the department in 2017. Rustemeyer was involved in the reorganisation of secunet in 2017, which led, for instance, to the separation of several divisions into secunet Service GmbH and secunet International GmbH & Co. KG, respectively. In the following years, secunet Group continued to grow and also required the expansion of the Legal division's services to new business areas and the new subsidiaries, in particular stashcat GmbH and SysEleven GmbH.

Through her role in the secunet Group, Rustemeyer is involved both in the day-to-day business and in the transformation of secunet's broad portfolio. She is in regular contact with colleagues from various departments, including sales, product management, development and a wide range of administrative and central departments at the Group's various locations. This enables her to assess and monitor the impact of corporate decisions on secunet as well as the situation of employees. Her task is to enable effective risk minimisation. To achieve this, she favours open, trusting and respectful cooperation. In the first election for employee representatives on the Supervisory Board of secunet Security Networks AG in March 2019, she was given one of the two employee representative mandates. She was re-elected in 2024.