Whistleblower system / Complaints procedure
Integrity is our industry’s highest asset. Our corporate success is rooted in integrity and ethically correct behaviour. To ensure that we can live up to this claim, it is important that we learn of potential misconduct and rectify it. This requires the attention and willingness of all employees and third parties to point out possible breaches of the rules if there are concrete indications. secunet Group’s whistleblowing system is used for receiving and processing information and complaints about potential breaches of rules or grievances within secunet Group and in the associated supply chains. Reports can be made in German or English.
With the BKMS Whistleblowing System and the postal service, secunet Group provides reporting channels that enable anonymous submission of a report or complaint. Irrespective of anonymity, all reports are treated seriously and in strict confidence. Furthermore, we ensure that no steps are taken that could lead to the anonymity of the whistleblower being revealed.
Incoming reports are processed with the greatest possible confidentiality and as part of a fair, fast and protected process. The persons entrusted with the management of the whistleblower system guarantee impartiality, are independent and are obliged to maintain confidentiality. The receipt of a report is confirmed within 7 days. Information on any follow-up measures taken is provided after 3 months at the latest.
In the event of a report of a matter relating to a subsidiary, we would like to point out that the central Compliance Office is informed of every report and is authorised to access the report for the purpose of carrying out a necessary investigation and for documentation. The original responsibility for responding to the reported tip-off or complaint remains with the respective company.
The allegations or suspicions may have significant consequences for the persons named in the report. We would therefore ask you to use our whistleblowing system only for serious, well-considered reports. We also guarantee the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers, those affected and the employees involved in investigating the report. Discrimination against whistleblowers and all persons who contribute to promoting correct behaviour within secunet Group will not be tolerated.
Reporting channels
Information and complaints can be reported via the electronic whistleblowing system BKMS. This system is confidential and secure. There is also the option of making an anonymous report. A report can be made in German or English.
Information and complaints can also be reported to the Corporate Compliance department by e-mail at compliance@secunet.com.
You can also make a report by calling the following telephone number:
+49 201 5454 1224.
During the call, the Compliance Officer will ask for all the information necessary to investigate and clarify the report in a targeted manner.
The postal service can also be used for reporting information or complaints. Please use the following postal address:
secunet Security Networks AG, Chief Compliance Officer. Personal/confidential, Kurfürstenstrasse 58, 45138 Essen, Germany
In person: Information and complaints can also be reported to the Compliance Office in person. Please make an appointment in advance via compliance@secunet.com
We encourage all whistleblowers to report breaches via the secunet whistleblowing system. There are also optional external reporting channels that are operated by the relevant authorities.
Further Information
In the Procedural instructions regarding secunet Group’s whistleblowing system you will find generally applicable principles for processing reports of potential grievances for human rights and environmental complaints in accordance with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.
Further information on data protection for the secunet Security Networks AG whistleblowing system can be found in our privacy policy.
You can find an overview of the reporting criteria here: