The SINA Workstation S is a crypto client for stationary and mobile use that has been approved by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for processing classified information with the classification level VS-NUR FÜR DEN DIENSTGEBRAUCH (VS-NfD). Approvals also exist for similar international classification levels. The SINA Workstation S allows several guest systems of different security classifications to be operated in parallel, isolated from each other. This allows users to work simultaneously in networks with classified information and the Internet, for example. Users always work in their familiar environment – online and offline. Thanks to several interlocking security components, the classified data remain secure at all times. The SINA Workstation S can be configured automatically and managed remotely. It has already proved to be successful in numerous mass rollouts with several thousand devices.
In other product variants, the SINA Workstation is approved up to and including GEHEIM, NATO SECRET and SECRET UE/EU SECRET.
SINA (Secure Inter-Network Architecture) is a high-security solution that secunet has developed on behalf of the BSI. SINA has already been successfully used for many years by public authorities and the armed forces, both in Germany and abroad.