Many governments manage electronic files in document management systems. These electronic file systems involve security measures that must be applied when accessing files, processes, or documents, yet they fail to meet the level of security and relevant verification standards required by provisions relating to classified information. The secunet SINA Workflow solution is specially designed to meet security rules for classified information. SINA Workflow provides a secure environment for administrative file content that needs to be categorised as classified information within the document lifecycle. When this happens, the security functions in existing electronic file systems are simply no longer able to handle this adequately. At the same time, handling of classified information involves a whole range of other requirements such as verification.
The solution enables the user to import classified information documents from an electronic file system to the secure SINA Workflow environment through an interface, register them on a “need to know” basis, process them in workflows, and issue co-signatures using the same secure environment, for example. From the point of security classification onward, the relevant documents are available in encrypted format in the restricted material repositories, and are protected against unauthorised access.
Processing of classified information in compliance with regulations
Protection of classified information against unauthorised access is a key objective of government security measures, and is vital to implementing national security policies. SINA Workflow meets all the requirements of legally compliant electronic registries and classified information processing systems, while allowing individual business processes to be realised with the documents. SINA Workflow is an integrated system consisting of secure SINA Workstations and SINA Workflow servers, with an integrated electronic classified information registry and central network storage.