Security Awareness Campaign
Security Awareness Campaign
Companies from a wide range of sectors, sizes and structures are currently facing an increased threat situation in the area of IT security. The changed work structures of many companies and the associated reduction in personal contacts are favourable developments from the point of view of attackers. Especially the threat of social engineering and phishing e-mails in particular is intensified by this. In addition, poorly secured routers in the home office, for example, can lead to attackers being able to intercept data.
In order to adequately counter the dangers, it helps to conduct an awareness campaign. The aim of the campaign is to strengthen the "human firewall", i.e. to sensitise and empower your employees with regard to the security of their data.
The aim of the campaign is to strengthen the "human firewall", i.e. to sensitise and empower employees with regard to security awareness and the independent recognition of possible dangers in their daily work (e.g. when dealing with links in e-mails or opening attachments).
Components of the Security Awareness Campaign
The secunet security awareness campaign aims to provide employees with the knowledge and motivation to act independently in a security-conscious manner. The employees are to be enabled to act "correctly" in the information security sense. To this end, secunet offers four basic modules with a variety of options that can be combined in a needs-oriented and targeted manner. The so-called Security Awareness Program comprises all of these modules and options, from which an optimal combination can then be put together to create a custom-fit solution for a company. The following figure shows the four basic modules, from which the desired modules can be freely selected.
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