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secunet konnektor receives approval for the electronic health record - ePA

[Essen, May 7, 2021] secunet is the first provider to receive approval for the secunet konnektor in the telematics infrastructure for product type version 4 (PTV4), thus supporting the implementation of the electronic health record in broad use.

Back in January, secunet and its partner eHealth Experts launched a test phase with the upgrade for the electronic health record (ePA). In selected doctors' offices and hospitals, the function and security of the connector was successfully demonstrated in accordance with gematik specifications.

The upgrade to PTV4 enables the use of the ePA in doctors' offices, pharmacies and hospitals. Thanks to the high market share of the secunet konnektor, a large number of healthcare providers can take the next digitization step after a short introductory phase.

"Although secunet entered the connector market late together with its partner eHealth Experts, we are of course all the more pleased that we have now been the first to receive approval for the ePA upgrade. For us, this is also confirmation of the quality of our work," explains Markus Linnemann, head of the eHealth division at secunet.

Doctors' offices and hospitals that are connected to the telematics infrastructure with the secunet konnektor will be able to install the upgrade for the secunet konnektor in the next few weeks. In combination with the respective software systems that support the ePA, the service providers will be ready for the electronic health record. Patients will then be able to work with their doctor to fill their ePA with data and documents.

The ePA upgrade is available for both designs, the single box connector and the data center connector for large facilities.

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