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secunet konnektor certified for German telematics infrastructure

[Essen, Germany, 12 December 2018] With the certification process at gematik successfully completed, the secunet konnektor is now ready for immediate roll-out in Germany, having been developed in a joint project by secunet and eHealthExperts. Service providers such as medical practices can use the secunet konnektor as a central element for connecting to telematics infrastructure (TI). The product is available as part of the “My Access Service” ( full-service package, provided via a partnership with eHealthExperts and Arvato Systems.

The secunet konnektor is the only self-initiated realisation of a TI connector on the market. Its development has been driven by the motivation to go well beyond the usual technical requirements to meet customer demand for usability and user-friendliness.

The secunet konnektor features a modular and scalable architecture that not only meets current requirements such as implementation of the VSDM (Master Data Management for Insurance) industry application, but is also ready for the next-level eHealth Connector.

The integrated remote management system enables remote device servicing, and guarantees trouble-free operation thanks to continuous failure analysis. The product also comes with a two-year warranty.

“We engaged with the challenge to develop a high-performance, future-proof device that customers can trust, and we have met that challenge with great success. The secunet konnektor provides the German healthcare market with a device that is reliable, high-capacity, and above all practical,” comments Dr Rainer Baumgart, Chairman of the Management Board at secunet.

Roll-out will start immediately. Following the ramp-up phase, a production capacity of up to 10,000 units per month is expected.

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