Press releases

Changes to the secunet Security Networks AG Management Board implemented as planned

Axel Deininger, already a member of the Management Board, took over the chairmanship of the Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG on 1 June 2019 as planned. Deininger succeeds Dr Rainer Baumgart, who has retired after more than 18 years in this role.

Torsten Henn, Chief Operating Officer (COO), and Dr Kai Martius, Chief Technical Officer (CTO), were newly appointed to the company’s Management Board on 1 June. This brings the Management Board to four members including Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Thomas Pleines.

“As a leading provider of complex, high-quality IT security solutions, secunet today enjoys a unique position on the growing cyber security market. In addition to our strong IT security and IT high security business for public sector clients, we will increasingly concentrate on cyber security solutions for the industrial sector in the future. We are also supporting the digital transformation of our customers in the areas of 5G, secure cloud and edge computing, and will further strengthen our international business,” comments Axel Deininger.

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