press releases

SecuStack opens cloud computing to companies and public authorities with security-critical applications

[Essen, Germany, May 14, 2019] Organisations with elevated security requirements have previously faced high hurdles when it comes to the use of cloud computing. In response, secunet Security Networks AG and Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH have now founded a joint venture to provide these companies and public authorities with a security-hardened cloud platform made in Germany: SecuStack GmbH, which has its seat in Dresden, develops cloud solutions that bring together a very high level of security with ease of use.

The solutions from this newly founded company are based on the leading open-source cloud platform OpenStack, expanding on it with additional security mechanisms. Supported by strong cryptography, these mechanisms ensure consistent encryption of user data and, as such, strict client separation to a degree that was previously unattainable. The result is that a cloud infrastructure user’s data is exclusively accessible by only that user at any time. SecuStack solutions are intended for bodies including public authorities, R&D institutions, companies in the Industry 4.0 sector, energy suppliers, hospitals, and banks.

“With SecuStack, we are offering a comprehensive overall concept for security lifecycle management in the cloud. Thus cloud infrastructures based on our products demonstrate a real element of differentiation compared to the major players. Furthermore, SecuStack contributes to preserving digital sovereignty, with German-made solutions,” notes Dr. Kai Martius, CTO of secunet and CEO of SecuStack GmbH.

“SecuStack is enabling companies and institutions with security-critical applications to take the step into the cloud. Our solution, based on OpenStack, makes the storage and processing of data in the cloud not only more secure, but also transparent,” comments Dr. Marius Feldmann, COO at Cloud&Heat and CEO of SecuStack GmbH.

The core of the SecuStack offering is already available, and will gradually be further expanded over the next few months. Interested customers can now test and use the initial key security functions with OpenStack.

In SecuStack, the two parent companies are bringing together many years of experience in their respective sectors: secunet Security Networks AG has unique knowledge of highly secure system solutions, cryptography, and highly complex key management, while Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH brings to the table established expertise in OpenStack infrastructures and their operation.

secunet holds 51% of the shares in the newly founded company, and Cloud&Heat Technologies holds 49%.