“We are proud that EEAS has chosen secunet’s products once again. In a complex multinational environment, the SINA components will surely be able to leverage many of their strengths. This is why we are confident that the solution will meet EEAS’ high expectations”, notices Johan Hesse, Managing Director at secunet International.
Primarily, SINA Workstations will be used in the project, which enable EEAS employees to access unclassified office networks as well as restricted networks with only one device. This means higher productivity, lowered costs and increased security.
The SINA Workstation with its unique combination of security features makes it possible to process differently classified data in parallel. Users can quickly and easily switch between sessions of different classification levels without compromising the information. Despite its high level of security, the product is easy to use and does not demand any special knowledge from the user. In addition, the SINA Workstation is the only crypto client which, in its various product variants, covers all approvals from EU RESTRICTED / RESTREINT UE up to EU SECRET / SECRET UE.
SINA is an outstanding high-security solution that secunet has developed on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security. The technology has already been successfully used for many years by various national and EU authorities.