Press releases

secunet konnektor "eHealth" approved and available now

[Essen, Germany, 18 August 2020] The "eHealth" software version of the secunet konnektor has successfully reached the end of the multi-stage approval process. The new version was approved by gematik for active operation in the German telematics infrastructure (TI) on 17 August 2020. Medical service providers who already use the secunet konnektor will receive the new version via an online upgrade.

Healthcare connectors in the "eHealth" version offer a range of new medical applications. This includes emergency data management (Notfalldatenmanagement, NFDM) and electronic medication planning (elektronischer Medikationsplan, eMP). The new version also contains all the necessary functions (QES) to enable use of the specialist service "communication in the medical sector" (Kommunikation im Medizinwesen, KIM). These applications provide real medical added value and also facilitate workflows in practices and between medical facilities.

The secunet konnektor "eHealth" has already proven itself in combination with the new applications: Part of the approval process was designed as a field test, in which participating service providers and their patients were able to successfully use the new applications in the production environment.

All secunet konnektors already in use are ready to be upgraded to the "eHealth" version. Users can now install the online upgrade and activate the NFDM and eMP modules with a licence. Service providers are granted access to the licences via their TI service provider. This applies to both the secunet konnektor for medical practices (one box connector) and the secunet konnektor for data centres (data centre connector), which is particularly suited to hospitals and large pharmacies. The deadline for pharmacies to connect to the TI is 30 September 2020.

The secunet konnektor has been used by service providers to connect to TI since the end of 2018. Its two designs were developed in conjunction with eHealth Experts GmbH. The secunet konnektor aims not only to meet the technical requirements but also the customers' needs for usability and user-friendliness. secunet anticipates over 70,000 konnektor installations by the end of 2020.