Press releases

Prague airport relies on an advanced border control solution from secunet

[Essen/Germany, 28 February 2017] At Prague airport, the Czech Republic operates one of the most advanced border control systems in Europe. In order to achieve this, secunet delivered and commissioned a wide-ranging solution with automated border control gates, a background system for monitoring electronic identity documents, and the mobile border control solution secunet IDkit.

secunet easygates – automated border control gates – have been in use at the Prague airport since 2011. Based on positive experience with the system, the number of border control tracks has now been expanded to 17 in the course of the EasyGO project. 1.5 million passengers benefited from secure and quick processing through the secunet easygates in the final six months of 2016 alone.

secunet also implemented a nationwide Document Verifying Certification Authority (DVCA) as a new component of the background system for monitoring electronic identity documents (eID). The solution, which is based on the secunet eID PKI Suite, enables Czech border police to perform extensive checks on electronic ID documents at all national border control points. The project was successfully implemented within just three months, and the PKI components were smoothly integrated into existing infrastructure.

The new DVCA module enables data to be read out from electronic ID documents, which are protected with the EAC protocol. Using a secured communication channel, the module makes certificates available for the various inspection systems within the overall system. These inspection systems consist  of a variety of stationary and mobile systems as well as the EasyGO control gates.

Czech border police are now also using a mobile border control solution in the form of secunet IDkit. The solution, integrated into a case, supports all functions of stationary border control. The mobile system also includes several secunet products that are used in other, highly secure applications: the Notebook SINA Workstation, equipped with a multitude of highly effective security features for protected data processing; secunet biomiddle biometric middleware for controlling integrated hardware and software components for authenticity checking on documents and verifying biometric data in the IDkit; as well as the secunet bocoa border control application, which provides border control officers with a detailed overview of results of extensive document checking or background database queries.