Your tool for secure reading of sovereign ID documents
Your benefits at a glance
GRT has been extensively tested internationally and is recognized as a reference implementation. Our tool helps to create conditions for worldwide interoperability, based on ICAO and EU specifications.
The functionality, design and areas of application of the GRT are flexible and adaptable. In addition, we continuously make adjustments to current requirements.
With the benefits of a licensed product, the GRT is commercially available with the platinum edition.
Fast and lean implementation with minimal effort: GRT's standards-based approach makes it investment-proof and flexible.
Application areas of the GRT platinum edition
There are many situations in which it is necessary to verify the authenticity of official documents and to enable them to be read securely. Border crossings, government inspections or the signing of contracts - in many cases it is essential that a person's identity can be clearly established. At the same time, high security requirements have to be considered for electronic reading processes. The GRT platinum edition is your tool for secure and reliable reading of official eID documents.
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