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secunet Session Border Controller for secure VoIP calls – now with VS-NfD (RESTRICTED) approval

The secunet Session Border Controller (SBC) is the only solution of its kind on the market to have received approval from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) for the classification level VS-NfD (RESTRICTED). This means that authorities and the armed forces can now securely couple Voice-over-IP (VoIP) networks – for example, across departmental and organisational boundaries – and then share information classified as VS-NfD via VoIP telephony and video conferencing. BSI Vice President Dr Gerhard Schabhüser announced the approval today at the it-sa IT security trade fair in Nuremberg.
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The secunet SBC enables the secure coupling and connection of VoIP networks with different security classifications. At the network transition, it serves as a central access point for VoIP calls and can forward or reject calls depending on whether the security criteria are met. This makes it possible to implement tap-proof telephone calls and telephone conferences via VoIP between different organisations and within different locations of the same organisation. Secure web conferences without a browser plug-in are also possible in this way. In addition, the solution can be used to monitor VoIP traffic and thus protect against attacks. The secunet SBC is currently available and has been used by many authorities for years due to its high level of security. Prior to the official approval, the BSI had issued a release recommendation (Freigabeempfehlung) for VS-NfD for the secunet SBC.

If employees of public authorities, the armed forces or companies holding classified information wish to share such information by telephone, they must follow the rules of the German General Administrative Provision for the Material Protection of Classified Information (Verschlusssachenanweisung, VSA). VS-NfD is the basic classification level specified there and means VERSCHLUSSACHE – NUR FÜR DEN DIENSTGEBRAUCH (classified information – for official use only). It is similar to the international classification level RESTRICTED.

To make VoIP phone calls at VS-NfD level, in addition to the secunet SBC, end devices with the appropriate approval are also required. For example, SINA Mobile enables VS-NfD calls on standard smartphones. The SINA Communicator H is a desktop solution for voice telephony, among other things, that is approved up to and including the higher GEHEIM (SECRET) level of classification.

“We are pleased that with the secunet SBC, we can now offer authorities and companies the opportunity to use up-to-date voice-based communication tools with VS-NfD-classified content,” says Dr Kai Martius, Chief Technology Officer at secunet. “This is a further step towards making the day-to-day handling of classified information more convenient – while maintaining the appropriate high level of security.”

Photo (from left to right): Dr. Kai Martius (secunet), Katrin Kubica (BSI), Jessica Nospers (secunet), Dr. Gerhard Schabhüser (BSI), Axel Deininger, Torsten Henn, Christine Skropke (secunet). Photo (c) secunet

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