"Willem Bulthuis has contributed significantly to optimising the realignment of the 'Business Sector' division for growth segments such as automotive, critical infrastructures and Industry 4.0", explains the Chairman of the Supervisory Board at secunet Security Networks AG, Dr. Peter Zattler.
The Management Board and the Supervisory Board would like to thank Willem Bulthuis for his commendable work. The responsibilities of Willem Bulthuis will be taken on by the two Managing Directors, Dr. Rainer Baumgart and Thomas Pleines.
This press release contains prospective statements. Prospective statements are statements which do not describe actual facts from the past; they also comprise of statements about our suppositions and expectations. Every statement in this press release which reflects our intentions, suppositions, expectations or forecasts (together with the suppositions which give rise to such views) constitutes a prospective statement. These statements refer to plans, estimates and forecasts which the management of secunet Security Networks AG currently dispose of. Thus prospective statements only refer to the day on which they were made. We shall accept no obligation to further develop such statements in the light of new information or future results.