As forecast in October, in the 2013 financial year the secunet Group achieved revenue of Euro 63.9m (compared with Euro 67.2m in the previous year), as well as earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of Euro 3.7m (Euro 5.7m in the previous year).
"2013 was characterised by high expenditure for winning and implementing major projects, which is why our revenue and EBIT results are lower than last year," commented Dr Rainer Baumgart, Chairman of the Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG.
As at 31 December 2013, the order book was worth Euro 40.3m, which represents a 7% increase compared with the figure at the end of 2012 (Euro 37.6m).
"We are starting the new year with an excellent order book. We also significantly optimised our products and customer support in 2013. secunet is a trusted supplier of high-quality security solutions, and in light of the current debate on information and data security, we expect demand to increase further," explained Dr Rainer Baumgart. "We are very confident that we will be able to continue the growth trend seen in previous years in the current financial year."
secunet will publish the complete 2013 Annual Financial Statements and the 2013 Annual Report on 25 March 2014.
Press releases
secunet Security Networks AG: preliminary figures for the 2013 financial year
[Essen, 23 January 2014] secunet Security Networks AG (ISIN DE0007276503, WKN 727650), a leading German supplier of high-quality IT security and an IT security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany, published its preliminary figures for its 2013 Annual Financial Statements today. The company reached its projected figures for both revenue and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT). The order book at the end of the year was above the previous year's level, and accordingly, secunet's growth forecast for the current 2014 financial year is good.