In the financial year 2013, the secunet Group generated revenues of Euro 63.9 million. Compared to the previous year (Euro 67.2 million), this is equivalent to a decline of 5%. This was caused by customers postponing projects and by additional costs in major projects. The Public Sector business unit continues to contribute the majority of revenues to the Group revenue with Euro 50.1 million (previous year Euro 53.3 million), or 78% (previous year 79%). The Public Sector unit offers products from the SINA high-security range, as well as IT security products and services for public customers. 22% of the Group revenue (previous year 21%), or Euro 13.8 million (previous year Euro 14.0 million), was generated in the Business Sector business unit, which offers services and solutions for the specific requirements of companies in the private sector.
The decline in sales of Euro 3.3 million was accompanied by a decline in overall costs of Euro 1.3 million. As a result, the earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) fell by 36%, or Euro 2.0 million, from Euro 5.7 million in the previous year compared to Euro 3.7 million this year. The Group profit is Euro 2.4 million, compared to Euro 3.7 million in the previous year. Earnings per share fell by 36% from Euro 0.57 to Euro 0.37.
secunet Aktiengesellschaft achieved a net income of Euro 2.5 million compared to Euro 3.1 million in the previous year. Net income and the existing net accumulated profit from the previous year of Euro 0.6 million, result in a total profit carryforward for the coming financial year of Euro 3.1 million. In the Annual General Meeting, due to take place on 14 May 2014 in Essen, Germany, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of secunet Security Networks AG will recommend that a dividend of Euro 0.15 be paid out for each no-par value share that is entitled to dividend.
"For the first time in the history of the company, secunet will pay out a dividend to its shareholders," commented Dr Rainer Baumgart, Chairman of the Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG. "We aspire to have a long-term payout policy that is both stable and reliable."
The outlook for the current financial year 2014 is good; the NSA eavesdropping scandals have increased the awareness of threats and the desire for IT security, and reliable "Made in Germany" IT security is enjoying great acclaim at the moment. In fact, this growing market is attracting increased competition, though the outlook is still incredibly positive.
"secunet is perfectly positioned. Our product range is continuing to grow and we have excellent employees available to provide consultancy services. We have a very good reputation in the sector," says Dr Rainer Baumgart. "For the current year 2014, we expect a considerable increase both in revenue and in the earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). We hope that the business results will exceed those achieved in 2012, which was a good year in terms of results."
The Annual Report 2013 for secunet Security Networks AG is available to download at under Investor Relations > News and Publications. Next dates in the financial calendar: 26 March 2014 Analysts' Conference in Frankfurt am Main, 7 May 2014 3-Month Report 2014.
Financial Reports
This press release contains prospective statements. Prospective statements are statements which do not describe actual facts from the past; they also comprise of statements about our suppositions and expectations. Every statement in this press release which reflects our intentions, suppositions, expectations or forecasts (together with the suppositions which give rise to such views) constitutes a prospective statement. These statements refer to plans, estimates and forecasts which the management of secunet Security Networks AG currently dispose of. Thus prospective statements only refer to the day on which they were made. We shall accept no obligation to further develop such statements in the light of new information or future results.
Press releases
secunet Security Networks AG: Annual Report 2013, profit distribution and growth forecast
[Essen, 25 March 2014] secunet Security Networks AG (ISIN DE0007276503, WKN 727650), a leading German supplier of high-quality IT security and an IT security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany, publishes its Annual Financial Statements and Annual Report for the financial year 2013 today. In 2013, the secunet Group achieved revenues of Euro 63.9 million and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of Euro 3.7 million. The good demand situation and the order book make it possible to forecast considerable growth for the current financial year 2014. For the first time in the company's history, it is aiming to pay out a dividend to its shareholders.