Attendance at the Annual General Meeting represented 79.8% of share capital. All agenda items were approved by over 99%.
"The 2010 financial year was particularly demanding and challenging for secunet and we are therefore generally satisfied with the results," commented Dr. Rainer Baumgart, CEO of secunet Security Networks AG, in his statements on the annual accounts for 2010 and the position of the company. "We will continue to focus on the development of our product business and the expansion of the export of our products and solutions. This strategy and the market environment will lead secunet to a sustainable growth trend." The Board of Management reaffirmed its outlook for the 2011 financial year, in which sales are expected to decline slightly on the previous year and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) are seen to remain at the previous year's level.
Corporate news
secunet Security Networks AG: Annual General Meeting 2011
[Essen, 11 May 2011] secunet Security Networks AG (ISIN DE0007276503, WKN 727650), a leading German provider of sophisticated IT security and IT security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany, today held its Annual General Meeting with great success.