The "Ulm Headquarters" is a multinationally staffed centre of the joint support service. The headquarters is designed to be ready at all times and on a highly mobile basis to take over the leadership of global crisis management assignments by commission of the United Nations, NATO or the EU. The strategic and operative military leadership of EU battlegroups has developed into the essential trademark of the headquarters. However, it is certified to lead operations of multinational forces consisting of army, air force, navy and special forces with a strength of up to 60,000 soldiers.
The SINA H components ordered as part of this SINA procurement will facilitate the processing and transmission of classified data up to and including German "GEHEIM", "NATO SECRET", "EU SECRET" or "MISSION SECRET" level. In addition to the multi-session-enabled SINA Workstation H Client III, the procurement order also contains the new high-performance SINA Workstation H R RW11, which is based on a hardened notebook platform. Furthermore, the order also includes equipment components with SINA S for VS-NfD (Classified – For official use only) material.
SINA (Secure Inter-Network Architecture) is a high-security solution that secunet has developed on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI). SINA has already been successfully used for many years by authorities and the armed forces, both in Germany and abroad.