corporate news

secunet AG: Annual General Meeting 2006

• All agenda items approved with over 99% of the votes• Hans-Wolfgang Kunz new supervisory board member• BDO appointed new auditing company• Outlook for the full year 2006[Essen, 31 May 2006] secunet Security Networks AG (ISIN DE0007276503, WKN 727650), leading European provider of IT security and IT high security products and services, held its annual general meeting today.

81,2% of the share capital were present at the AGM. Approval of the agenda items exceeded 99% in all cases. Hans-Wolfgang Kunz, member of the management of secunet’s main shareholder Giesecke & Devrient GmbH, was elected to the supervisory board. Mr. Kunz succeeds Mr. Peter Eisenbacher who has resigned his mandate. BDO Deutsche Warentreuhand Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft was appointed auditor for the financial year 2006.

In the context of his observations regarding the 2005 financial statements and secunet’s strategic orientation, Dr. Rainer Baumgart, CEO of secunet Security Networks AG, also addressed both the first quarter 2006 results and the company’s outlook for the current financial year. He identified the positive industry environment, secunet’s excellent strategic and market positioning as well as high demand for IT security as positive drivers for the company’s further growth.

“We will achieve our growth targets in the course of the current financial year“ stated Mr. Baumgart, thereby confirming the management board’s assessment made in the publication of the Q1 figures. However, due to the timing of ordering and order processing as well as consistent uncertainties associated with large scale projects, a detailed forecast was currently difficult to prepare.


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