Ad hoc announcements
Ad hoc announcement § 15 WpHG, secunet Security Networks AG: Quarterly results for Q1-2014 fall below expectations
[Essen, 10 April 2014] In the first quarter of 2014, secunet Security Networks AG generated revenue in the amount of Euro 13.8m and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of Euro –1.3m, according to provisional calculations. The revenue deviated by –2% from the previous year's value (Euro 14.1m) and falls within the range of seasonal fluctuations that are quite normal in the annual business cycle of secunet Security Networks AG. The EBIT differs by Euro –1.1m from the previous year's value (Euro –0.2m) and from the expectations of the capital market. This negative difference was essentially caused by lower product sales, partly as a result of the provisional budget management of the federal government, and was also due to higher expenses in the areas of Sales and Product Management, which were invested in the penetration of new markets.Although the quarterly result is assessed as unsatisfactory, the Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG is standing by its forecast for the full year 2014.