Press releases

2012 is the strongest year in the company's history

- Revenue and earnings outstrip forecasts- Order book volume remains at a very high level[Essen, 24 January 2013] secunet Security Networks AG (ISIN DE0007276503, WKN 727650), a leading German supplier of high-quality IT security and an IT security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany, published its preliminary figures for its 2012 Annual Financial Statements today: the figures show that both earnings and revenue for the financial year rose sharply compared with the previous year and outstripped the forecasts. The number of orders at the close of the year remained at a very high level and, as a result, the outlook for the current 2013 financial year is a positive one.

According to preliminary calculations, the secunet Group achieved revenue of around Euro 67m in the 2012 financial year. This represents a 21% rise on the previous year's revenue (Euro 55.6m). Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) also increased sharply, reaching Euro 5.7m – an increase of 51% compared with the previous year (Euro 3.8m). The forecasts for both revenue (Euro 60m) and EBIT (Euro 5m) were outstripped.

The reason for the good financial results in 2012 was the excellent fourth quarter of the year, in which secunet traditionally records most of its business. Revenue of around Euro 26m and EBIT of around Euro 5.0m were generated in Q4 2012. The high level of operating profit is due, firstly, to the continued very high level of capacity utilisation in the consulting sector and, secondly, the high share of (SINA ) product business in the fourth quarter of 2012.

The value of the order book as at 31 December 2012 was Euro 42.2m, representing an increase over the previous year's value (Euro 39.5m). This gives rise to an optimistic outlook for business performance in 2013.

"2012 is our best financial year yet," commented Dr Rainer Baumgart, Chairman of the Management Board of secunet Security Networks AG. "We combine excellent products and outstanding expertise with a high-performance organisation that focuses on the needs of our customers – something that will also support our future growth."

secunet will publish the complete 2012 Annual Financial Statements and the 2012 Annual Report on 19 March 2013. Further information can be found at