Mobile document checks now also for iPhones

Mobile document verification now also for iPhone

With the release of iOS 13 and the possibility for iOS developers to access the NFC interface with custom apps, electronic document verification using iPhones is now also available without the need for additional hardware.

All electronic document verification solutions from secunet already support the new iOS version. secunet ePassportAPI and secunet biomiddle can now also be used for iPhones (from iPhone 7 and iOS13).

For applications that require an electronic identity confirmation and therefore access to the chip data in passports or ID documents, the secunet ePassportAPI provides a vendor-independent, easy-to-use standard interface for reading electronic identity documents. It is based on the same software architecture as the Golden Reader Tool (GRT), which is internationally accepted as a reference implementation for reading eID documents.

Applications that are more complex and intended for public authorities, which require more functions than reading the chip data, rely on secunet biomiddle. The software platform manages the respective workflows and modules for the document authentication and biometric verification. secunet biomiddle now enables fast and mobile identity checks, including comprehensive document verification based on the iOS platform. Through the connection with a Terminal Control Center (TCC) authorised users, such as police officers, have the possibility to read out the cryptographically secured fingerprints from electronic ID documents, for example when checking the German identity card or electronic passports in mobile police operations.

Mobile apps from secunet, which are available for Android as well as iOS, are well proven and have supported German police forces during mobile identity checks for quite some time now. In preparation for the EES launch in Europe, mobile apps will also play a significant role in document inspection and identity verification.

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